Friday, May 1, 2009

Through the Eyes of Barabbas (Break)

I apologize to those who have been reading the Story of Barabbas. Between Work, Church and School, plus weddings, ralleys, fundraisers and oh I forgot my love for sleep, I just haven't had time to finish the story. Give me a little bit before I finish it.

Several people have mentioned that they thought Barabbas was just too kind or too nice. I sorta agree, but I also disagree. The story will continue for Barabbas to go on and find out about more and realize later that Jesus took his place in two different ways. When most of us came to God after the world beats us down, we are defeated, brusied and tired. Barabbas in my mind was like that, he spent much time in jail, beaten and hated. He was a menace to society, but after spending possibly years in jail, he might have been calmer, beaten down and not cared for life. I hope this make sense. When I came to God I was at my wit's end, I had no strenght to fight back, my soul was much like Barabbas' life. Locked away in some prison cell destined to die. I did not come to God fighting, I came to God defeated.

I will be possibly revising the story but I would like your imput on it. I will also be in prayer on how God wants me to write this story. Please let me know what you think!!! I will take every comment with an open heart and mind! Thanks again for reading my blog!

God Bless,

Also check out my other blog. This is a project I am working on for the next 8 days, please be in prayer. This is through my work, this is my project for the year. JSC

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