Friday, May 29, 2009

"Mommy, Look At Her!"

I was having a rough day, well that would be a great understatement. I woke up late, I was late for work. I wasn’t able to take a shower, my clothes were sorta wrinkled and my hair was a mess! When I get to work it was crazy busy, I was on the go the minute I stepped in. It seemed every call that I answered was just plain rude to me. Everything went wrong and I could go on and on. Minutes before I was supposed to clocked out my boss, yelled at me for something I didn’t do, but I just tried to grin and bare it instead of pointing fingers.

By the time I left work I was wound up tighter then a top and though I was exhausted I knew I needed to unwind. I knew that I would not sleep so I decided to do what every girl out there does when they want to unwind, I went shopping! Well, I knew that I was to upset to think straight so I decide to go shopping at a safe place for my wallet, the Dollar Store.

As I stood in the aisle, looking at who knows what, I heard a small voice beside me.

“Mommy, look at her!”

I looked over to see a small little boy pointing in my direction. For a moment I turned to look past me to see who he might be pointing at, but no one was behind me.

“Mommy, look at her!”

I realized right then that the boy was pointing at me. I know I must look like a fright, I had been up all night and it had been a rough night. I was embarrassed at my state, the poor mom tried to distract the little boy but it was not working.

“Mommy, look at that lady.” As he pulled on his mom’s arm, “Look at her.” It was the next words that shocked me. “Isn’t that lady just beautiful?” I turned and look at the little boy; he was looking up at me with his beautiful blue eyes. I saw a look of awe in his eyes. The mom again tried to quiet him. “She is the prettiest most beautiful lady, I have ever seen.”

At this point I was nearly in tears, I felt like a scrub and this boy was telling me I was beautiful.

“Mommy, you need to see her! She has a beautiful dress on too!” he said still in awe but pulling on her arm. Then he abruptly stopped, and put his eyes directly on his mother’s face, the little boy said in voice of authority, “Mommy, ladies look so much prettier when they wear a dress!”

At this point, I couldn’t stop the tears, the mother, who had her back to me the whole time, decided it was high time to stop her son’s talking. We went are separate ways, but as I went down the next aisle heading for the door. I could still hear the little boy.

“Mommy, where did the beautiful lady with the pretty dress go? Is she a princess? Mommy, why don’t you wear dresses like that pretty lady?”

Poor lady! Tears where just running down my face as I left the dollar store. That boy, made my day, week, month and year!! In just a few moments time, a little boy taught me a few lessons.

1. On a rough day in my life, I will always remember a little boy who thought I was the “Prettiest Most Beautiful Lady” he has ever seen.
2. That no matter what this fashion world tells us, ladies, to one little boy out there “we look so much pettier when we wear a dress!”
3. That sometimes God sends “little angels” to brighten our days to tell us what he thinks of us. So keep an eye out for them!
4. Also, that even on our rough days, God’s light can shine through us so other might say “Mommy, look at her” with eyes of wonder!



Mary Frances said...

Awwww!!! I remember you telling me that story!!!

Cherylg said...

Isn't there a scripture that says God speaks through babes and sucklings? Compared to the world, we are beautiful because we let our natural beauty shine. WE are the real McCoy!!! Also, the Holy Ghost shines through because they AREN'T SEEING THE CLUTTER OF MAKEUP, CUT HAIR AND JEWELRY and WE DRESS LIKE LADIES!!! . . . with shame facedness and sobriety.

God Bless. cg 8:)+<}=B