Sunday, May 9, 2010

To be a mom.. Or what I've learned.

“I don’t want to be a mom!” she said, “It too much work!!!” I looked at her in shock, “Not want to be a mom??” I replied, “that my dream job!!!” Now she looked at me strangely, she was young still in her early teens! “All those dirty diapers, no sleep, not to mention 9 months of misery with stretch marks and not even mentioning labor! I’m telling you it not worth it!” Being the older and wiser one, I simple mumbled, “Yeah whatever you’ll feel different when you’re older.” And I think she did, cause she end up growing up getting married young and well she on baby #2 now!

To be a mom, what is it like, well I won’t know! I’m not a mom!!! But I love observing people, in fact you could say it a hobby. I’ve watch people over the years; I also love talking to people. I don’t care what age you are, kids to the elderly I just enjoy people!! But some of my favorite people to talk to are my peer’s parents, to some of my friend’s utter wonder why I’d rather sit and talk to a bunch of moms then hang out with them. Why, because I see such wisdom in them, I see their kids who are decent kids, and I wonder how they did it.

It those moms I hope to pattern my life after one day, when I have my own kiddies to take care of. This is what I have observed, though the years, these are no particular order but what I’ve noticed.

~*~ They love their children. Simply that, whether they are simply giving a hug, saying I love you or disciplining them, they always do it in love.

~*~They are there for their children. I’ve gotten to know these mothers because they usually are at the events with their children. They watch out and are simply there for them. Not smothering like some kids think but simple there.

~*~They take their kids to church. If the doors are open their there. They take them to church events, camps, conferences, youth events, bible quizzing, and whatever they can get them too.

~*~They expect nothing in return. Oh there times, they want a something but the price isn’t much, a hug, a call home, an “I love you Mom.” They sacrifice much and expect nothing.

~*~They dream for their children. They dream that their kids will do great things. They are their children’s biggest cheerleaders and fans!

~*~They fight for their children. They fight for what right.

~*~They pray for their children.

I have no idea if I can be half a mom these ladies I’ve learn after but I pray I can be. My dream job is not a corporate one or my own business someday. My dream job is being a mom one day. I’ll take on it all; give me 9 months of carrying a child with in me. Give me the morning sickness, stretch marks and the extra weight gain! By God’s grace I can take on the labor pains, the sleepless nights and endless diapers. I want the terrible twos; million question whys, and time outs and spankings. Give me the preteen’s years and the teen years and all that comes with it. Give me the times, I let my child go and the empty nest feeling and so on and so forth. Give me the days when it seems no one noticed all the work I’ve done, give me sleepless nights and endless prayers. Give me these times; give me the times I wonder if I’m doing a good job. Because all these moms that I have met that have such wonderful children are content, happy and satisfied to a measure I’ve never understood. Because it’s that moment, when no one looking that my child will make it worth it all, when they tell me I love you mommy, or when they start serving God, that when I will understand what it like to be a mom.

Happy Mother's Day


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