Jesus Loves You! You’ve probably heard this a million times, seen it on bumper stickers and maybe even said it many times yourself. The words are so simple but have such a meaning. One of the most well known children song is Jesus Loves Me. Kids from all around the world have learned this song. But have you ever really thought about it. Jesus LOVES you! If you grown up in the truth this may seem simple concept but the world has made the word “Love” a word that easily flung around. Some use it in its true fashion but other use it take advantage, hurt, cause pain or so much more, till Love is Hate disguised in a Fake Red Heart that means nothing.
A bumper sticker reads… “Jesus Loves you and everyone else hate you”. We were challenge at our church to show the love of Jesus. But how do we show such love, how can they feel it when they come it to our church, or meet us on the street? This has been going through my mind a lot lately. So I began to just think, what did Jesus did on this earth that showed love to the people.
He was a people person. Even if you’re shy, quiet or even backwards, you have to push yourself to be a people person. It doesn’t take much, show interested in people; find a link that connects you to that person. But simple things make you easier to approach; smiling, making eye contact, simple greetings of Hello, and waiting or listening to the response. You don’t have to be crazy friendly to be a people person.
He reached out to people when they were in need. It so easy to pass by when someone is in need, the excuses come easy enough, I’m too busy, I don’t know what to do, I don’t have extra money and the list goes on. To be honest, many times you can’t help them, BUT you can introduce them to someone who can. Sometimes, God use you to help them, and you become a blessing. Sometimes, it simply listening to their needs, praying with and for them and God will take care of their needs, how he seems fit.
He touched the untouchable. Remember the leper who came before Jesus, Jesus first touched him which was not acceptable in that time, causing Jesus to be “unclean” according to tradition. Plus he took the chance he would catch the deadly disease. But how can Jesus be unclean, if he healed and made the leper whole again? How do you apply this to now? I thought on this and something came to mind… my Sunday school kids. Most would never ever consider coming near these kids, to be honest, they usually were dirty, their clothes not washed, snot running down their noises, they have had ring worm, lice and other unpleasant things. But every time I see them, I give them big hugs and kisses, I let as many as I can fit sit in my lap. I don’t care if I have stuff on my shirt when I’m done or if the smell is unbearable. I want to show these love starved children, that I love them. If I do, maybe though me they can truly understand the love of Jesus!
These are only a few things Jesus does, I could go on and on, but I want to show one last point. On Sunday, my pastor preached a message about Absolutes. His last point was simple, Jesus Loves You! No matter what happens, what you do, how long it takes He wants you to not just know but understand that Jesus LOVES you!!! When Br. Abbott got to this part of his message, a tune then words came to mind, I began to scribble on an envelope the words and by the time alter call was over I had written a song. The verses borrowed from two famous kids songs but sang to a new tune with a bridge is sing in the original way. My hope is that it not just a pretty song, but people think about it meaning… It called “Jesus Loves You So” But the first line of the chorus simply asks a question “Do you know that Jesus loves you so?” The question is… Do you REALLY know that Jesus loves you so?
Do you know that Jesus loves you so?
Have you read the Bible lets you know?
On the cross of Calvary
Jesus died for you and me
But do you know that Jesus loves you so?
Verse 1
Children sing the songs and the words
Jesus loves the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They are precious in his sight
But do you know that Jesus loves you so?
Verse 2
Jesus loves, he who died for thee
Heaven’s gates are open wide you see
He will wash away your sin
Let his little child come in
But do you know that Jesus loves you so?
Bridge & Ending
Yes, Jesus loves me
Oh Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so
But do you know that Jesus loves you so?
Jesus love you so much,
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