Friday, September 4, 2009

Just Wait

We all hate to wait, especially in these days and times. We want quick services, fast food, everything sent immediately, and rapid answers. If we wait longer then usual we are upset. We don’t like to wait.

Dr. Seuss is one of my favorite writers. In the mist of his silly child writing he often had deep means. Yet, I had to disagree with one of his writings from the book “Oh the Places You’ll Go” one of my favorite books.

I fear, toward a most useless place.
The Waiting Place...... for people just waiting.
Waiting for a train to go
or a bus to come, or a plane to go
or the mail to come, or the rain to go
or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow
or waiting around for a Yes or a No
or waiting for their hair to grow.
Everyone is just waiting.

Waiting for the fish to bite
or waiting for wind to fly a kite
or waiting around for Friday night
or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake
or a pot to boil, or a Better Break
or a sting of pearls, or a pair of pants
or a wig with curls, or Another Chance.
Everyone is just waiting.

NO! That's not for you!

Now, waiting around doing nothing, wasting time when you can spend time doing so much more. No, I’m talking about genuine waiting.

We often get frustrate in our lives even when we are young, maybe waiting till we are tall enough to ride a roller coaster, or old enough to drive a car. We can’t wait to go to college and really spend time in school learning a career. We can’t wait to be married then have children. We don’t want them to grow up but we can’t wait till they can do things on their own. We can’t wait till grandkids and retirement. We spending our whole life just wait, is that a bad thing. No.

See waiting is good for us. Some time we have to wait till we are older because we can’t handle it when we are younger. Like, riding a rollercoaster can be dangerous if you’re too short, driving a car might not be a good idea for a young child because they are not responsible enough and so on.

When we wait, we learn to grow, we learn to appreciate it more and we learn to lean on God. If we got everything now, how can we learn that the Lord is are all in all. In the bible, Wait is found over 106 times, throughout the bible the word is used to show an enemy waiting to attack but in Psalms it’s different. In Psalms, we learn to wait upon the Lord. Wait for strength, wait on courage, wait on hope, waiting on the Lord will allow you to inherit the land, and it goes on and on. Wait, wait, and wait.

Now I know I hate to wait, sometimes it takes forever to wait for something; boiling water, next conferences, and important phone calls. I have trouble waiting for certain things in my future, agitated that they just appear tomorrow! Maybe a new job, a chance to finish school and so much more; I hate to wait.

Waiting is required by God. What God wants to know is what are you going till your waiting time is over? Are you going to mope around counting the years, months, weeks, days, hours and seconds? Or are you doing stuff, waiting with the Lord but occupying your hands. The best way to make the wait time pass is doing stuff and waiting on the Lord but also with the Lord. It’s almost like Christmas…

We all love Christmas, and as children we just couldn’t wait till Christmas day to open all the presents. Now it’s like that, we can mope day after day complaining it’s not Christmas yet! Or we can occupy ourselves planning for that day. We write and send out Christmas Cards, we decorate our house, we buy presents. We prepare for that day with cooking, cleaning and occupying our days so when that grand day comes we are ready for it!!! Each thing makes that day special for everyone and the anticipation makes the day worth it.

Not always, can we count down till that special day, even sometimes we think it’s in sight but things can change. The greatest thing is that God is waiting with us, He is waiting to see what we do in the mean time.

If we are waiting on college, but effort in your current schooling to make things easier in college, waiting on marriage enjoy doing things that you might not be able to do when you are married, mission trips, youth conferences and so much more. Waiting on kids, enjoy just the two of you and enjoy how far you can go now. Waiting on kids to grow up, remember they won’t always be this young enjoy it and teach them well. Waiting on retirement, put all your effort in your job and you might have a better outcome and enjoy retirement so much more. The possibilities are endless if you put your mind to it!

Do we restlessly sit back and complain like kids in the back seat saying, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” Or are we keeping ourselves busy changing ourselves for the better simply in the “Waiting Place” as Dr. Seuss called it. Just remember to make sure Jesus is sitting with you in the waiting room and you will always have company.
Just waiting with my Lord,

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