Friday, July 3, 2009

How Old Am I?

Birthday: the anniversary of a birth. Simply said by Webster.

On July 5th, I will celebrate just that, but how old will I really be? According to the actual day I was born, this year will mark my 25th Birthday, the 25th year anniversary of my birth, a celebration of life. But how old am I really going to be this year? I was born 25 years ago, that should make me 25 right?

On May 26th, 10 almost 11 years later I receive a new birth, I received the Holy Ghost. I was born of the Spirit! So if that the case I would be born on that day making me 14 years old.

In July about 3 years later, I was born again. This time of the water, I was baptized in Jesus name. Now I had been both born of the Water and the Spirit as mention in Book of John Chapter 3. So that would make me 11 years old later on this month.

Nine years would pass from that moment when I was born of the Water and the Spirit. This time I would face the opposite of life, I would face death. Sitting in the doctor’s office; after coming through a surgery and radiation in order to cure a cancer, I was faced with even harder news. I had been trying so hard to live a normal life, I didn’t face that I was sick, I couldn’t be I was so young. Those around me didn’t believe it either, and those who tried to help I had already tuned out. Now I was faced with the option, I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I choose life.

Now this Sunday, I am celebrating my 2nd birthday, the second birthday I was told I should not live to see. I was giving a new chance on life.

Webster also defines birthday as a day marking the origin, founding, or beginning of something. If a birthday can also mark the beginning of something, I have had several birthdays though out my life.

So my question is how old am I??



jennifer lord said...

great post! i sometimes think about my "real age" also. :)

Mary Frances said...

You've been tagged to play the animal game!
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Have fun! =)