Monday, April 13, 2009

Through the Eyes of Barabbas (Part 1)

What was it like to be there on the day Jesus was condemned to death? What were people thinking when they watched as he was beaten and mocked? Did they realize that Jesus was taking the place for them so that they did not have to die in sin? Many writers have tried to put in words what might have happen as those events unfolded.

I’m not unlike any of those writers, speculating on what might have been the thoughts and feelings of those who stood by. Trying to put in prospective that day; the day that changed the world forever. Doing my best to stay close to what the bible share about the man name Barabbas I hope to shine a new light on the story we know so well.

Because of the length of this story I have split it and will post the story in parts. Please write comments on what you think, and stay tune for the next part of the story.


Through the Eyes of Barabbas

The slow dripping of the dirty water gently slid down the moss covered cell wall; two dirty chained hands reach from the darkness for the water. Cupped together the shaky hands did their best to gather as much water as they could hold. Slowly the man brought the hands to his broken and chapped lips as he did his best to quench his thirst.

The slow process took all his strength but was vital to his survival, when he had finally gather another cup of water in his hands he slowly brought it again to his lips. BANG! The rattle of cell doors and shouts of soldiers scared the man, making him drop his handful of water. The man swore under his breath. It wasn’t feeding time, and surely they were not coming to torment again. The man resumed his fake position of being passed out in chains, hoping the soldiers might have pity on him today.

Curses of soldiers about the smell of the prison cells, mixed with the groans, cries, and curses of the prisoners filled the air. The normal pitch black room was filled with the light of several torches, which almost burn the prisoners’ eyes with their brightness. The man slumped in his chains, listening to the soldiers’ feet. He would never admit he was scared. He had called men that were scared “weak”, laughing at their fear, taunting them. Yet, years in this miserable cell, the beatings and the near starvation had a way of putting fear in one’s soul. Death seems the only answer, but the way they wanted to put him to death made him fear and tremble in the night when no one else was looking.

The man strain to hear were the foot steps were going, but his heart sunk to the bottom of his stomach when they stopped in front of his cell. The cell door was opened and the soldiers proceeded in.

“Wakey, wakey!,” taunted the large soldier. “Today is your lucky day! Today I finally can squash my favorite little flea and be rid of him.” The other soldiers laughed, and the man did his best not to tremble. “I said, wake up!” The soldier yelled, kicking the man in the side. The man groan then looked at the soldier with burning anger but did not fight back. He had learned the hard way that sometimes doing what they ask was less painful. The head soldier grabbed the crazed hair of the man and yanked him closer to him as he quietly said. “Barabbas, I’ve waited a long time to see the day they would hang you on a tree and leave you to rot. Finally, the day has come!” If Barabbas could he would of spat in the soldier face, but his dry mouth would no allow him so he simple growled back instead. “Unshackle him from the wall and shackle his arms and feet so he can’t run again. Pilate would like to see our little friend!” The soldiers’ laughed as they did their task.

Barabbas knew this day would come, he knew he deserved it. He was a much feared man. He was robber and he stole with no care of who he took from, but mostly he stole the lives of the innocent. He did only what pleased him. For many years he caused fear in the hearts of the people in the land. When he was captured, the people sigh a relief, but they knew that they would not stop fearing until he was dead. He had escaped once and he wreaked havoc on the country side before he was captured again. Now here he was going to his death, condemned to the most painful and shame death of them all, the cruel Roman way of Crucifixion.

He was being brought before Pilate which was a mystery to him, but he didn’t dwell on this. He heard the shouts of angry men, and for a moment he thought he would be thrown to crowd to be ripped limb from limb. Barabbas was shocked it was only the early morning; he had no concept of time in his cell. He had also heard it was Passover time. How long had he been in the jail?

He was brought just outside of what Barabbas assumed was Pilate quarters. Another man stood chained, his back badly broken, which was unusual for a prisoner to be flogged before being brought before a ruler. He had just been flogged the other day, and was spared another since they feared he would die in the process.

Pilate came out and walked up to where Barabbas stood, Pilate did not even look at him. “We have brought Barabbas to you just as you asked.” The soldier said. Pilate only nodded. He walked off to the other man. Pilate had looked worried, very deep in thought, Barabbas noted. But the other man really caught Barabbas’ attention; even through his pain he stood tall like a king. He did not have the appearance of a criminal but that of a normal man. He did not speak angrily but spoke in quiet tones. This man intrigued Barabbas.

Barabbas decided to take his chances and ask the soldier, who that man was, “Who is that other man?”

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